Captive NTFS

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Captive NTFS project implements the first full read/write free access to NTFS disk drives. You can mount your Microsoft Windows NT, 200x or XP partition as a transparently accessible volume for your GNU/Linux.

Tutorial written by Thomas York

Read through the whole thing several times before attempting!

Step 1: Download these files

You will need to download several files.


Note, if you cannot download the ntfsprogs file, browse and pick up the latest snapshot

Step 2: Uncompress the archives.

We will now uncompress the archives to get ready for compiling. If you do not know how to do this, You can use the commands below.

1: tar xzvf lufs-0.9.7captive8.tar.gz
2: tar xzvf gnome-vfs-httpcaptive-2.3.8captive2.tar.gz
3: tar xzvf captive-1.1.5.tar.gz
4: tar xjvf ntfsprogs-200503060058.tar.bz2

Step 3: Compiling

A. NTFS Programs package

We will now start by compiling the most necessary of packages first. You need to start with ntfsprogs. Use the example below.

1: cd ntfsprogs-200503060058
2: ./configure --prefix=/usr
3: make
4: su

Now, here is where you have to make a decision. It is highly advised that you make a package over using 'make install.' If you wish to make a package, merely run :

1: checkinstall

If you wish to use the 'make install' method, just run :

1: make install

B. Gnome VFS package

Next, we will compile Gnome VFS for the graphical installer. Run the command below :

1: exit
2: cd ..
3: cd gnome-vfs-httpcaptive-2.3.8captive2
4: ./configure --prefix=/usr
5: make
6: su

Again, you must make a decision. It is HIGHLY recommended that you use checkinstall to create a package. If you want to create a package, run :

1: checkinstall

If you wish to use the 'make install' method, merely run :

2: make install

BUG FIX. If when you run make, you have an Error 1, try using this patch:

C. LUFS Package

BUG FIX. If you use a 2.6 kernel later than 2.6.9, then you need to follow the instructions located at before trying to compile LUFS. Thank you!

Now, we make the tool that will provide interaction between the kernel and Captive! This is the most important package, so pay attention. Run the commands below :

1: exit
2: cd ..
3: cd lufs-0.9.7captive8
4: ./configure --prefix=/usr
5: make
6: su

Again, you must decide on checkinstall or 'make install'. Either run :

1: checkinstall

Or :

1: make install

D. Captive NTFS Package

This also is the most important package because without the Captive package, nothing will work! Now we need to setup the environment for captive..Run these commands!

1: groupadd captive
2: useradd -d /dev/null -g captive -s /dev/null captive
3: exit
4: cd ..
5: cd captive-1.1.5
6: ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-install-pkg=yes
7: make
8: su

Again, checkinstall or make get the jist by now..Either :

1: checkinstall

Or :

1: make install

Now everything should be ready. Make sure you have your NTFS partition mounted already using the kernel's NTFS driver. If you do not know how to do this, try this command and play with it:

1: mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows

Now, while you have X running, run these commands:

1: exit
2: xhost +localhost
3: su
4: captive-install-acquire

When you run the captive-install-acquire command, you need to hit Forward, Hit Skip, Click Browse.. and point it to the mounted location of your NTFS partition (should already be mounted), hit Skip, Hit OK, and finally hit OK again. Then, continue with the command below.

1: captive-install-fstab --add

Now, you should unmount the NTFS partition and remount it with captive-ntfs

1: umount /mnt/windows
2: mount -t captive-ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows

By now, everything should be setup correctly and working. If you have ANY troubles, talk to me on ##slackware.