USB Memory Stick

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This information primarily applies to Slackware 11.0 and older; if you're using Slackware 12.0 or newer, you probably want to use HAL instead.


You must have USB support compiled into the kernel or loaded as modules.

Mounting A USB Memory Stick

1)Pick/make a mountpoint. (e.g. /mnt/memstick)

2)Mount the device-

If you have an fstab entry for it: mount mountpoint
EXAMPLE: mount /mnt/memstick
Otherwise: mount device mountpoint
EXAMPLE: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/memstick
NOTE: if you have multiple USB devices or Sata/SCSI disks, the device may not be /dev/sda1, it could be /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdc1 or any /dev/sd*.
  • you can see which devfile (in /dev/*) some devices get assigned by tracking the /var/log/messages (dmesg) changes.
$ su 
# tail -f /var/log/messages

and plug the USB device in the computer. This can be used for any other plug'n'play device.

Unmounting a USB Memory Stick

umount mountpoint

EXAMPLE: umount /mnt/memstick

Errors and Solutions

Error: mount: special device /dev/sdax does not exist

Solution: Check to see if /dev/sdax exists-

ls /dev/sda*
if /dev/sdax does not exist, create it:
mknod -m 666 /dev/sdax b 8 0