Installing commercial Nvidia drivers in 64-bit Slackware 13.37
This tutorial assumes you have a fresh full install of Slackware 13.37 x86_64.
What you'll need:
- NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.41.06.run [Version from official nvidia website as of 4-28-11]
- xf86-video-nouveau-blacklist-noarch-1.txz [This package can be found on the slackware 13.37 DVD in /extra]
- A reboot
Once you've obtained these files, stick them somewhere (for example, /tmp).
To get the Commercial Nvidia driver working you'll need to remove the nouveau driver, and for good measure, make sure it is blacklisted.
Do the following as root:
removepkg xf86-video-nouveau installpkg /tmp/xf86-video-nouveau-blacklist-noarch-1.txz chmod a+x /tmp/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.41.06.run
Now it's time to install the NVIDIA Driver:
cd /tmp && ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.41.06.run
Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the install. Also be sure to include the 32-bit gl content. (Sorry for lack of detail here, I'll try and add more detail later)
If the driver builds successfully without error then proceed.
Invoke the following:
Allow it to make the change to /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Now reboot:
Once your system has rebooted ensure that the 'nouveau' driver is NOT present and that the 'nvidia' driver is.
The following command should return nothing:
lsmod | grep nouveau
Now check for the nvidia driver:
lsmod | grep nvidia
You should see something like:
root@slackbox:~# lsmod | grep nvidia nvidia 10486926 40 agpgart 28874 1 nvidia i2c_core 19769 2 nvidia,i2c_piix4